You’re in good company

See what other entrepreneurs just like you had to say about their experience with Holiday Lights Academy.

“Prior to joining the Holiday Lights Academy we were looking for additional revenue streams for our seasonal business. The Holiday Lights Academy was the perfect fit for us to create revenue and keep our employees working through a traditionally slow time for our business. We felt the program was very easy to follow and very informative. Our technicians were able to learn a new skill quickly and had all the resources they needed for training. Our first year we were successful in installing for numerous existing customers and in year two we tripled our installs and retained all of the previous lighting clients as well. We appreciate the program and the team has been so helpful and a great resource as we grow this part of our business.”

— Adrianne B, United Bin Cleaning

“Before we joined Holiday Lights Academy, we were unsure of how to get started with Christmas lights. We knew it could be profitable but we didn't want to jump into something that we had no idea how to do. Through Holiday Lights Academy and the coaching, we were able to feel confident about how to plan and execute Christmas lights in our business. As a small business, every dollar of revenue counts and we were able to do $70k in our first year! We're very excited about the foundation that Holiday Lights Academy gave us and are looking forward to growing our Christmas lights business by 4x in 2024!”

— Cultivate Property Services

“Once I decided to enter the Christmas Light business, I was quite nervous. Not about the installation process but about the business side of things. I wanted to make sure I did it right and it was a profitable venture. My 1st season I only dipped my toe in without any advertising, just mentioned what I was doing to a few people. I still managed to pull off about $18k in sales. Using the tools I had learned from Holiday Lights Academy the projects were priced right and profitable. Going forward, after the training with Holiday Lights Academy, I am much more confident in my ability to market and secure the amount of work I need. I am targeting $50k in my 2nd year. That number I think is actually a light easy target that I should hit with no issue. Thank you!”

— Kevin G, The Gardener Landscape Maintenance

“Before finding Holiday Lights Academy, my knowledge of the holiday light installation business was very limited. However, thanks to their comprehensive program, I was able to transform my company's prospects.

The Academy provided an invaluable overview of business essentials, along with thorough documentation and well-organized Zoom calls. This combination allowed my sales manager and me to hit the ground running immediately. We made the decision to partner with Holiday Lights Academy in mid-October, and by the end of our very first season, we secured 30 contracts! Even more exciting, over 80% of our clients have already booked with us for next year! I highly recommend the team at Holiday Lights Academy!”

— Jared, Bethany Associates Pressure Washing & Window Cleaning

“Holiday lights were a new service for us and we didn’t have any data to determine pricing or set any time of budgeting for the season, leaving us to guessing, which can be detrimental in a new product launch. After we completed the Holiday Lights Academy, we had confidence and success felt given after having concrete data to set budgeting and marketing targets. We had a clear action plan for the season. We set an extreme goal for year one, and, while we didn’t hit this number, we were able to achieve 60%  profit margins across all holiday light services. Considering startup cost and marketing, we feel confident in the growth and scalability of this service.”

— Heavenly Sunshine Property Services

A solution tailored to your business

Holiday Lights Academy isn't just a course; it's a transformational tool designed to help you enjoy greater success, profitability, and operational efficiency in your specific home service business.