Light up

your business

with Holiday Lights Academy

Why add holiday lights?

  • Decrease Seasonality

    Use your shoulder season to add cash flow and keep key employees busy longer.

  • Leverage existing customers

    Offer a new service and instantly increase the lifetime value of your customers.

  • Increase your profit

    Grow your bottom line with one of the highest margin services in the industry.

More money, more growth

Holiday lights has one of the highest profit margins in home services — giving you extra cash flow to take your business to the next level.


avg. increase in revenue


avg. added revenue/crew


avg. gross profit/job

Not sure where to start? No problem.

You’ve come to the right place. With Holiday Lights Academy, you’ll leverage industry expert knowledge, systems, and tools so you can launch quickly and efficiently into the holiday lights market — without wasting valuable time and resources.

  • Save time, money, and resources with trusted systems and processes developed by industry experts.

  • Learn from knowledge that 200+ businesses have already used to see success with holiday lights.

  • Work directly with your own dedicated coach to ensure success, every step of the way.

  • Learn how to grow and scale to new heights, far beyond the holiday season.

  • Access all the video training and expert guidance you need, right from the comfort of your own home.

Glowing reviews

“After training with Holiday Lights Academy, I am confident in my ability to secure the amount of work I need”

— Kevin G, The Gardener

“Our first year we were successful in installing numerous installations for our existing customers. In year two, we tripled our installs.”

— Adrianne, United Bin Cleaning

What's included?

  • Detailed Systems & Processes

    Grow & scale with sales and marketing systems, operations manual, SOPs, playbooks, and video training.

  • Planning & Budgeting Tools

    Plan and budget for each stage of growth with comprehensive business planning and strategy tools.

  • Full Set Up & Launch Package

    Launch quickly with our estimating guide, equipment checklist, and access to approved suppliers.

  • Goal Setting & Stats Calculators

    Based on existing industry data, see what's possible for your business.

  • Comprehensive Training & Support

    Work with an industry expert who will guide you through both installation and business training.

  • Self-Paced Workbook & PDFs

    Work at your own pace with unlimited access to your own downloadable workbook.

Holiday Lights Academy is for you if...

  • You find yourself faced with decreased revenue & profit each winter, searching for ways to make more money during the off-season.

  • As work slows down, their hours are affected - resulting in the the loss of valuable team members.

  • You're trying to maintain a steady cash flow, but you're stuck in a frustrating game of catch-up, impacting your ability to invest and grow.

  • Integrating holiday lights as a service into your business is appealing, but you're not sure how to take the first steps to enter the market.

It’s time to turn your seasonal challenges into year-round success

Joining Holiday Lights Academy isn't merely a pivot—it's a powerful play to boost your revenue and profit, transforming cyclical downtime into your most lucrative season yet.